Sale of City-owned property at 929 N Hamlin Ave to Mardoqueo Lemus and Cristobal Castillo under Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program

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Mayor Johnson's ordinance, under Municipal Code Chapter 2-159-010, proposes the sale of 929 N Hamlin Ave, a City-owned property in the Chicago/Central Park Redevelopment Project Area, to Mardoqueo Lemus and Cristobal Castillo for $12,000. The sale, approved by the Chicago Plan Commission and under review by the Committee on Housing and Real Estate, is part of the ANLAP Program. A quitclaim deed will be issued by the City Clerk. The public notice for the sale was published on March 13, 2023.

Alternate identifiers: O2023-2061


Sponsor Ward
Johnson, Brandon
Johnson, BrandonPrimary Sponsor


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