Ordinance SO2024-0012214 Active

Non-Routine Unclassified

Eligibility of 3955 N Kilpatrick Ave/3865 N Milwaukee Ave development by GW Six Corners LLC in Portage Park Community area as Low Affordability Community for reduction in assessed valuation

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Chicago's Affordable Housing Special Assessment Program, under Section 15-178, allows Low Affordability Community designation for reduced property assessments. GW Six Corners LLC's 3955 Kilpatrick Residential Project in the Portage Park Community Area, with 69 affordable units, contributes to the city's efforts to address its housing shortage. The ordinance supporting this initiative is effective upon passage and publication.

Alternate identifiers: O2024-0012214


Sponsor Ward
Gardiner, James M.
Gardiner, James M.Primary Sponsor Ward 45


Date Legislative body Action
Date 2024-10-02 Legislative body Chicago City Council Action Substituted
Date 2024-09-18 Legislative body Chicago City Council Action Referred
Date 2024-09-18 Legislative body Chicago City Council Action Introduced

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