Search Legislation

Claim CL2024-0008484 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Heavey, Mari C.

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008498 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for White, Josephine

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008488 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Archer, Edward

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008497 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Hirschboeck, Peter H.

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008485 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Szeto, Sara

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008482 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Nibbe, Brian

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008494 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Cole, Candice

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008496 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Yorke, Jennifer F.

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008481 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Porucznik, Charles S.

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008507 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Kassel, Jorie S.

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008490 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Stefa, Bledi

3/20/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007818 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Liao, Jiajie

2/21/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007888 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Goodman, Jalen J.

2/21/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007848 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Braselton, Jessalynn, L.

2/21/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007923 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Daniel, Larry L.

2/21/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007850 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Amaro, Erendira

2/21/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007815 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Richardson, Lawrence J.

2/21/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007846 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Johnson, Lamont

2/21/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007822 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Stefanski, Nelli

2/21/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0007919 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Ochoa, Erika C.

2/21/2024 - Referred