Grant(s) of privilege in public way for 1330 N State Parkway Condo Assn - irrigation system



Locations mentioned

Legislation Text

ORDINANCE 1330 N. STATE PARKWAY CONDO ASSN Acct. No. 361756-1 Permit No. 1096568 Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to 1330 N. STATE PARKWAY CONDO ASSN, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance to construct, install, maintain and use one (1) Irrigation System(s) under the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1330 N. State Pkwy.. Said Irrigation System(s) at N. State Parkway measure(s): One (1) at six (6) feet in length, and point seven five (.75) feet in width for a total of four point five (4.5) square feet. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prints kept on file with the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Office of the City Clerk. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Transportation (Office of Underground Coordination) and Department of Water Management. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-015 and all other required provisions of the Municipal Code of Chicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege #1096568 herein granted the sum of four hundred ($400.00) per annum in advance. A 25% penalty will be added for payments received after due date. The permit holder agrees to hold the City of Chicago harmless for any damage, relocation or replacement costs associated with damage, relocation or removal of private property caused by the City performing work in the public way. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after Date of Passage. Page 1 Run three microtubes to planters Tap of Spicket AS BUILT All zones 4.8 gpm Drip Zones 2gph Run One under pavers Core Core up to first Planter as low as possible Spicket Core directly behind planter on ground level Place RPZ. spicket. directly behind bush on drip level Cores below grade if possible cons - Run three microtubes to planters m 14528 CNcsgo RdDomn, IL 60419 I.HeadiwthonCNc^RdtowsnfEnofeSt 0.4irt ZTumnolitaE145«fS«M*St 1.1 ml 3. Continue oft EDoltonAva 0.5ml 4. Tata the rams onto k94 W 20.4 mi 5. Take exrt 50B toward Ohio » E 0.1ml 6. MefpoontoKefmedyExpy 0.5 iri 7. Come onto WOM St 0.S mt 6. Turn lott stN Stats St O.Siri 9. Conflnuo onto N Ststa Pkwv Desfination wffl bo on the left 02 mi 1330NStsBPkwy As Built Dimensions AS BUILT Valves 1,2.3: Valves 4,5.6: 10* South & 1' East of Point A 11' North & 1' East of Point B ■ LCM1S PROM* * ROMO PROM* fttfa&rflJta-On CD CD CL CD 2 CO I . o O CO CO of APPLICATION TO USE THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF APPLICANT INFORAAATION LEGAL NAME OF ENTITY: 135Q M SrftTg j\m> PERMIT MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: r^tC^GT 4- CONTACT PERSON: Am1 £4- PHONE: 7o? 372^9" FAX: STATE: t L~ ' ' ZIP: CooG\Q ^,r>^&vJ\M,k£i6oTTg^>J TITLE: ^ag,rwi . ^V-r^F P^U,, _C|JY_ClUCASQ STATE: _Lk^. ZIP: C^o^tn USE OF THE PUBLIC WAY 1. List the proposed or existing use(s) below, and complete the worksheet on page 3. Use only one application for all public way use type. TYPE HOW MANY? BUILDING ADDRESS 2. Please enclose one sketch of proposed use of the public way, which maps to scale the proposed use and its relationship to surrounding right-of-way. All measurements must be indicated. 3. All "No Fee" items require a $50 application fee. Please remit with application. 4. "No Fee" items are listed in the price list on page 4. 5. The prints should also accurately depict the location of the property line and public facilities (meters, light poles, sidewalks). APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that all statements made as part of the application, and the attachments herein, are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. BY: lo ■ I MllZ, -( /A -TITLE: lk,<^i2L F.E.I.N. or SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ALDERAAAN'S APPROVAL As part of this application process, ymjus required to notify/obtain approval from the Alderman in whose ward your proposed use^fthejpublic way is located. ALDERMAN'S SIGNATURE: I DATE: 5HH WARD: C H I C AGO BUSINESS AFFAIRS A I City of Chicago | Department of Business Affaics and Consumer Protection | Public Way Use Unit & Business Assistance Center | City Hall, Room%)0 I 121 North LaSalle Street | Chicago, Illinois 60602
