Negotiated sale of City-owned property at 3010-3012 E 79th Pl to Christopher Tomacek and Victor Resa

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Chicago Mayor, Brandon Johnson, has proposed an ordinance for the sale of a City-owned property at 3010-3012 E 79th Pl to Christopher Tomacek and Victor Resa for $15,000. The sale, which requires City Council approval, includes deed restrictions and covenants to improve the property within six months. The property is sold "as is" and the buyer is responsible for any environmental concerns and potential remediation. The property is located in a redevelopment area and may be subject to Affordable Housing requirements. The transaction requires an Economic Disclosure Statement and Affidavit, which includes information on the legal entity, ownership interests, and any income or compensation provided to City elected officials. The Disclosing Party must also disclose any financial interests City officials or their spouses/domestic partners have in the Disclosing Party, along with information about subcontractors, attorneys, lobbyists, accountants, consultants, and fees paid.

Alternate identifiers: O2023-2056


Sponsor Ward
Johnson, Brandon
Johnson, BrandonPrimary Sponsor


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