Sale of City-owned property at 2831 W 25th Pl to Daniel Cantu and Rosa M. Cantu under Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program

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Chicago Mayor, Brandon Johnson, has proposed ordinances to the City Council for the sale of City-owned property under the Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program (ANLAP). The program aims to sell off vacant city properties that are costly to maintain. The ANLAP ordinance allows the sale of these properties based on their appraised value, with minimum bid amounts set accordingly. The City Council is asked to approve the sale of properties to Daniel Cantu and Rosa M. Cantu. The ordinance also includes provisions for the use and maintenance of the sold parcels. The Department of Planning and Development is authorized to negotiate and execute the necessary documents for the sale. The ordinance will take effect upon approval and repeals any conflicting ordinances. The Economic Disclosure Statement requires information on the disclosing party, ownership interests, and any financial interactions with city officials.

Alternate identifiers: O2023-2059


Sponsor Ward
Johnson, Brandon
Johnson, BrandonPrimary Sponsor


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