Settlement agreement regarding case of Kelsey Ibach, Bradley Schaum, Brittney Zingsheim v. Philip Cho, individually, Pure Soul Entertainment LLC, by and through its authorized agents and employees including but not limited to, Philip Cho, 306 North Halsted, Inc., d.b.a The Mid, by and through its authorized agents and empoyees, The Hubbard House Restaurant LLC, d.b.a. Hubbard Inn, by and through its authorized agents and employees West Loop Management 1 LLC, by and through its authorized agents and employees, City of Chicago, a Municipal Corporation, by and through its authorized agents and employees, Case No. 14 L 10446, consolidated with, Kara Principe v. Philip Cho, individually, Pure Soul Entertainment, LLC, by and through its authorized agents and emloyees including but not limited to, Philip Cho, 306 N. Halsted, Inc. d.b.a.The Mid, by and through its authorized agents and employees, The Hubbard House Restaurant LLC d.b.a. Hubbard Inn, by and through its authorized agents and employees, West Loop Management 1 LLC, by and through its authorized agents and employees, City of Chicago, a municipal corporation, by and through its authorized agents and employees, cited as 15 L 7941 (Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois)
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