Routine Honorifics Honorific Resolution
Declaration of August 7, 2023 as "National Michael Shannon Day" in Chicago
On motion of Alderperson Harris and unsuccessful motion to reconsider by Alderperson Mitchell, the resolution was adopted.
Beale, Anthony Burnett, Jr., Walter Cardona, Jr., Felix Chico, Peter Clay, Angela Coleman, Stephanie D. Conway, William Cruz, Ruth Curtis, Derrick G. Dowell, Pat Ervin, Jason C. Fuentes, Jessica L. Gardiner, James M. Gutierrez, Jeylu B. Hadden, Maria E. Hall, William E. Harris, Michelle A. Hopkins, Brian Knudsen, Timothy R. La Spata, Daniel Lawson, Bennett R. Lee, Nicole T. Lopez, Raymond A. Manaa-Hoppenworth, Leni Martin, Matthew J. Mitchell, Gregory I. Mitts, Emma Mosley, Ronnie L. Napolitano, Anthony V. Nugent, Samantha O'Shea, Matthew J. Quinn, Marty Ramirez, Julia M. Ramirez-Rosa, Carlos Reilly, Brendan Robinson, Lamont J. Rodriguez Sanchez, Rossana Rodriguez, Michael D. Scott, Monique L. Sigcho-Lopez, Byron Silverstein, Debra L. Sposato, Nicholas Tabares, Silvana Taliaferro, Chris Taylor, Jeanette B. Vasquez, Jr., Andre Villegas, Gilbert Yancy, Desmon C.
Not voting: Moore, David H. Absent: Waguespack, Scott
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