Clay, Angela Ward 46 Alderman

Clay, Angela

In office since May 15, 2023 (1 year)

Caucuses with
Progressive Caucus

Contact info


Ward Office Phone
(312) 744-6831

Ward Office Address
4544 North Broadway Chicago, IL 60640

City Hall Office Phone

City Hall Office Address
121 N. La Salle Room 200 Chicago, IL 60602

Ward 46 map

Sponsored legislation All

Legislation that Clay, Angela is the primary sponsor of. RSS feed

Order Or2024-0014407 Approved

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 4838 N Sheridan Rd - Permit No. 101061660

12/11/2024 - Passed
Routine Ward Matters Business Permits and Privileges Sign permits

Ordinance SO2024-0014234 Active

Honorary street designation as "Slim Coleman Way"

12/09/2024 - Substituted
Routine Honorifics Honorary street

Resolution R2024-0014080 Approved

Recognition of U.S. Military veterans at Ruth Shriman House

12/02/2024 - Adopted
Routine Honorifics Honorific Resolution

Ordinance O2024-0014233 Active

Honorary street designation as "Sharon Yolich Sankey Way"

12/02/2024 - Referred
Routine Honorifics Honorary street

Communication F2024-0013849 None

Call for Special City Council Meeting on November 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM regarding immediate consideration of O2024-0013679

11/14/2024 - Introduced
Non-Routine Council Matters Call for Action

Ordinance O2024-0013264 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134057

10/22/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0012462 Passed

Exemption from physical barrier requirement for commercial driveway alley access for 4701 N Clark St, Inc.

10/09/2024 - Passed
Routine Ward Matters Business Permits and Privileges Physical barrier exemption

Ordinance O2024-0012727 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 131232

10/09/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0012780 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 131712

10/09/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0011490 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 131020

9/18/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

All legislation sponsored by Clay, Angela
