Johnson, Brandon Former

Johnson, Brandon

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Legislation that Johnson, Brandon is the primary sponsor of. RSS feed

Ordinance SO2024-0013682 Passed

Annual Appropriation Ordinance Year 2025, as amended

12/20/2024 - Substituted
Non-Routine City Matters Annual Appropriation

Ordinance SO2024-0013673 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Titles 1, 2, 7, 10, 11 and 18 regarding management, structure, powers and functions of various departments and agencies (2025 Municipal Code Management Ordinance), as ...

12/17/2024 - Signed
Non-Routine City Matters Municipal Code

Ordinance O2024-0013677 Passed

Intergovernmental agreement with Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and Cook County for allocation of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds

12/17/2024 - Signed
Non-Routine City Matters City Business Intergovernmental Agreement

Ordinance O2024-0013676 Passed

Expenditure of portion of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds allocated to City of Chicago for Year 2025

12/17/2024 - Signed
Non-Routine Unclassified

Resolution R2024-0013678 Approved

Amendment of Regulations Governing Administration of Classification Plan and Employee Benefits for Classified Positions set forth in Annual Appropriation Ordinance (Salary Resolution) regarding ...

12/17/2024 - Signed
Non-Routine City Matters Annual Appropriation

Ordinance SO2024-0013671 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Titles 3, 4, 9 and 10 (2025 Municipal Code Revenue Ordinance) and Property Tax Levy for Year 2025, as amended

12/17/2024 - Signed
Non-Routine City Matters Municipal Code

Appointment A2024-0014166 Approved

Appointment of Terrence Johnson as member of Community Development Commission

12/16/2024 - Approved
Non-Routine City Matters Appointment

Ordinance O2024-0014214 Passed

Amendment No. 4 and Supplement of Belmont/Central Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District Plan and Project allowing limited increase of estimated redevelopment costs and extension of estimated ...

12/16/2024 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Economic Development Tax Increment Financing

Appointment A2024-0014169 Approved

Appointment of Amanda Sadowski as member of Special Service Area No. 29-2014, West Town Commission

12/16/2024 - Approved
Non-Routine Ward Matters Economic Development Special Service Area

Ordinance O2024-0014205 Passed

Revised redevelopment agreement with Hudson Michigan Avenue Owner LLC to provide tax increment financing (TIF) funds for improvements at Hudson House, 2222 S Michigan Ave

12/16/2024 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Economic Development Tax Increment Financing

All legislation sponsored by Johnson, Brandon
