Lee, Nicole T. Ward 11 Alderman

Lee, Nicole T.

In office since March 28, 2022 (2 years)

Contact info


Ward Office Phone
(773) 254-6677

Ward Office Address
3659 South Halsted Street Chicago, IL 60609

City Hall Office Phone
(312) 744-6663 / 6664

City Hall Office Address
121 North LaSalle Street, Room 300 Chicago, IL 60602

Ward 11 map

Sponsored legislation All

Legislation that Lee, Nicole T. is the primary sponsor of. RSS feed

Ordinance O2024-0011968 Passed

Zoning Reclassification Map No. 6-G at 2972 S Poplar Ave, 922-958 W 29th St, 2871-2873 and 2872-2882 S Quinn St, and 2935 S Throop St

12/11/2024 - Passed
Routine Ward Matters Land Use Zoning Reclassification

Ordinance O2024-0013952 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 133997

12/02/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013953 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134868

12/02/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013865 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Sections 4-60-022 (11.81) and 4-60-023 (11.81) to allow additional alcoholic liquor and package goods licenses on portion(s) of S Wallace St

12/02/2024 - Referred
Non-Routine Ward Matters Land Use Liquor and Package Store Restrictions

Ordinance O2024-0014172 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134721

12/02/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013951 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134362

12/02/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0014114 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 135436

12/02/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013956 Active

Zoning Reclassification Map No. 8-H at 1612-2020 W 35th St, 1615-1965 W 35th St and 3500-3516 S Ashland Ave

12/02/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Land Use Zoning Reclassification

Ordinance O2024-0014257 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapters 2-8, 2-32 and 2-53 by modifying various sections regarding City Council notification of fiscal year annual appropriations and amendments including reporting ...

12/02/2024 - Referred
Non-Routine City Matters Municipal Code

Ordinance O2024-0013954 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 126430 - remove

12/02/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

All legislation sponsored by Lee, Nicole T.
