Mosley, Ronnie L. Ward 21 Alderman

Mosley, Ronnie L.

In office since May 15, 2023 (1 year)

Caucuses with
Black Caucus

Contact info


Ward Office Phone
(773) 881-9300

Ward Office Address
10805 South Halsted Street Chicago, IL 60628

City Hall Office Phone
(312) 744-4810/4811

City Hall Office Address
121 North Lasalle, Room 200 Chicago, IL 60602

Ward 21 map

Sponsored legislation All

Legislation that Mosley, Ronnie L. is the primary sponsor of. RSS feed

Ordinance O2024-0014105 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134632

12/09/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0014113 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134814

12/09/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0014111 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134640

12/09/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0014112 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134722

12/09/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013694 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-244-140 to prohibit peddling in 21st Ward

10/30/2024 - Referred
Non-Routine Ward Matters Land Use Restrict Peddling

Ordinance O2024-0013704 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 125954

10/30/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013705 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 133908

10/30/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013706 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 125734

10/30/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013708 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 129299

10/30/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0013707 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 133856

10/30/2024 - Referred
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

All legislation sponsored by Mosley, Ronnie L.
