O'Connor, Patrick Former Ward 40 Alderman

O'Connor, Patrick

In office from April 29, 1983 to May 19, 2019 (36 years)

Contact info


Ward Office Phone
(773) 769-1140

Ward Office Fax
(773) 769-3804

Ward Office Address
5850 North Lincoln Avenue Chicago, IL 60659

City Hall Office Phone
(312) 744-6858 / 7248

City Hall Office Fax
(773) 769-3804

City Hall Office Address
121 North LaSalle Street, Room 300 Chicago, IL 60602


Sponsored legislation All

Legislation that O'Connor, Patrick is the primary sponsor of. RSS feed

Ordinance O2012-5693 Failed

Residential permit parking at S Washtenaw Ave, 5800 and 5900 blocks - repeal

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Residential permit parking

Ordinance O2015-4317 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Non-Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Claim CL2014-305 Failed

Condominium claim for 2901-2907 West Summerdale Condos

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Condo Refuse Claim

Ordinance O2012-6450 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Ordinance O2016-3361 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Non-Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Ordinance O2014-5734 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Ordinance O2015-4162 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Non-Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Ordinance O2014-1379 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Claim CL2012-376 Failed

Condominium claim for 5649-5659 North Spaulding Condo Assn.

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Condo Refuse Claim

Ordinance O2016-7624 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

All legislation sponsored by O'Connor, Patrick
