Zalewski, Michael R. Former Ward 23 Alderman

Zalewski, Michael R.

In office from May 01, 1995 to May 31, 2018 (23 years)

Contact info


Ward Office Phone
(773) 582-4444

Ward Office Fax
(773) 582-3332

Ward Office Address
6247 South Archer Avenue Chicago, IL 60638

City Hall Office Phone
(312) 744-6828 / 5683

City Hall Office Fax
(773) 582-3332

City Hall Office Address
121 North LaSalle Street, Room 200 Chicago, IL 60602


Sponsored legislation All

Legislation that Zalewski, Michael R. is the primary sponsor of. RSS feed

Ordinance O2018-1916 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Ordinance O2011-8682 Failed

Amendment of grant(s) of privilege in public way for Three Star and Service Inc.

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Business Permits and Privileges Grant of privilege in public way

Ordinance O2017-1713 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Non-Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Claim CL2013-309 Failed

Condominium claim for Parklane Condos

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Condo Refuse Claim

Ordinance O2011-10237 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Ordinance O2017-682 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 107522

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2013-2390 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Non-Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Ordinance O2011-2164 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Non-Routine Ward Matters Residents Senior citizen sewer refund

Claim CL2013-314 Failed

Condominium claim for 5418 South Massasoit Avenue Condo Assn.

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Condo Refuse Claim

Claim CL2013-321 Failed

Condominium claim for 6646 West 64th Place Condo Assn.

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass
Routine Ward Matters Residents Condo Refuse Claim

All legislation sponsored by Zalewski, Michael R.
