Search Legislation

Ordinance O2024-0010070 Passed

Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 700 (Supervising Police Communication Operators/SPCSOs) and City of Chicago

12/27/2030 - Signed

Rodriguez, Michael D.

Ordinance O2025-0016099 Active

Honorary street designation as "Honorary Officer Ella French Way"

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Scott, Monique L.

Ordinance O2025-0016106 Active

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 2018 N Richmond St - repeal

4/16/2025 - Referred

La Spata, Daniel

Resolution R2025-0016100 Active

Congratulations extended to Maria Rodriguez on 75th birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Tabares, Silvana

Resolution R2025-0016143 Active

Congratulations extended to Belbelum Lett on 70th birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Coleman, Stephanie D.

Ordinance O2025-0016088 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 133020

4/16/2025 - Referred

Mitts, Emma

Order Or2025-0016132 Active

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 336 N Michigan Ave - Permit No. 101066838

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Reilly, Brendan

Ordinance O2025-0016159 Active

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at S Wabash Ave from E 48th St to E 49th St

4/16/2025 - Referred

Dowell, Pat

Resolution R2025-0016138 Active

Congratulations extended to Josephine Hernandez on 70th birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Coleman, Stephanie D.

Ordinance O2025-0016065 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 101629

4/16/2025 - Referred

Mitts, Emma

Ordinance O2025-0016096 Active

Handicapped permit parking at 11020 S Springfield Ave

4/16/2025 - Referred

O'Shea, Matthew J.

Ordinance O2025-0016154 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 135460

4/16/2025 - Referred

Knudsen, Timothy R.

Ordinance O2025-0016083 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 135213

4/16/2025 - Referred

Lopez, Raymond A.

Order Or2025-0016097 Active

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 1401 W Washington Blvd - Permit No. 101066260

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Burnett, Jr., Walter

Resolution R2025-0016145 Active

Congratulations extended to Barbara Bennett on 70th birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Coleman, Stephanie D.

Resolution R2025-0016101 Active

Congratulations extended to Annie L. Hunter on 95th birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Mitchell, Gregory I.

Order Or2025-0016112 Active

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 5840 N Broadway - East elevation

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Manaa-Hoppenworth, Leni

Claim CL2025-0016155 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Kennedy, Christina M.

4/16/2025 - Referred

Claim CL2025-0016165 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Transit General Ins. and Lhairech, Adel

4/16/2025 - Referred

Ordinance O2025-0016157 Active

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at S Dearborn St from W 46th St to W 47th St

4/16/2025 - Referred

Dowell, Pat