Search Legislation

Resolution R2025-0016089 Active

Congratulations extended to William Taylor on 70th birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Coleman, Stephanie D.

Resolution R2025-0016137 Active

Congratulations extended to Larry Taylor on 70th birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Coleman, Stephanie D.

Claim CL2025-0016162 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Thomas-Sanders, Heather S.

4/16/2025 - Referred

Resolution R2025-0016141 Active

Congratulations extended to Evelyn Wingard on 80th birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Coleman, Stephanie D.

Ordinance O2025-0016158 Active

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at S State St from W 35th St to W 37th St

4/16/2025 - Referred

Dowell, Pat

Ordinance O2025-0016125 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134785

4/16/2025 - Referred

Moore, David H.

Ordinance O2025-0016128 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 135307

4/16/2025 - Referred

O'Shea, Matthew J.

Ordinance O2025-0016081 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 135501

4/16/2025 - Referred

Lopez, Raymond A.

Ordinance O2025-0016111 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 135587

4/16/2025 - Referred

Lopez, Raymond A.

Ordinance O2025-0016131 Active

Exemption from physical barrier requirement for commercial driveway alley access for Western Auto Glass

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Coleman, Stephanie D.

Ordinance O2025-0016118 Active

Handicapped permit parking at 7127 S Harvard Ave

4/16/2025 - Referred

Hall, William E.

Ordinance O2025-0016116 Active

Residential permit parking at 6900-6959 S Michigan Ave

4/16/2025 - Referred

Hall, William E.

Ordinance O2025-0016095 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134863

4/16/2025 - Referred

Rodriguez Sanchez, Rossana

Claim CL2025-0016163 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Daniel, Larry

4/16/2025 - Referred

Placed On File F2025-0016048 Active

Resignation of Alderperson Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th Ward)

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Ramirez-Rosa, Carlos

Resolution R2025-0016090 Active

Tribute to late Dorothy Briscoe

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Mitts, Emma

Claim CL2025-0016160 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Thomas-Sanders, Heather S.

4/16/2025 - Referred

Ordinance O2025-0016087 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134944

4/16/2025 - Referred

Mitts, Emma

Ordinance O2025-0016122 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 132394

4/16/2025 - Referred

Moore, David H.

Resolution R2025-0016139 Active

Congratulations extended to Genevie Ingram-Willey on 92nd birthday

4/16/2025 - Introduced

Coleman, Stephanie D.