Search Legislation
Ordinance SO2024-0012999 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Section 5-8-020 regarding prohibited discriminatory acts, and Chapter 6-10 regarding housing accommodations, connected services, city policy, definition modification ...
3/19/2025 - Recommended to Pass
Hadden, Maria E.
Ordinance O2025-0015977 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-28 by adding new Section 2-28-080 establishing position of City Historian
3/12/2025 - Introduced
Johnson, Brandon
Ordinance O2025-0016031 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 4-4 by adding new Section 4-4-339 to prohibit any licensee not classified as medical cannabis dispensing organization from holding itself out to be dispensary, ...
3/12/2025 - Referred
Hopkins, Brian
Ordinance O2025-0016033 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-4-331 by adding Near North Side as prohibited area for sale of cannabinoid hemp products
3/12/2025 - Referred
Hopkins, Brian
Ordinance O2025-0015568 Passed
Amendment of Municipal Code Section 9-64-206 to establish parking meter hours of operation on portion of S Springfield Ave
3/12/2025 - Passed
Rodriguez, Michael D.
Ordinance O2025-0016027 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Title 9 by modifying Chapters 9-100 and 9-101 eliminating fine for speed camera violations 6 to 10 mph over speed limit, and adding categorically eligible participant ...
3/12/2025 - Referred
Mosley, Ronnie L.
Ordinance SO2023-0002983 Failed
3/12/2025 - Failed to Pass
Lopez, Raymond A.
Ordinance O2025-0016019 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Section 17-6-0403-F to require special use permits for daycares and community centers and gardens, and by-right permits for artist work space, food/beverage retail and ...
3/12/2025 - Referred
Mosley, Ronnie L.
Ordinance O2025-0015727 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-8 by adding new Section 2-8-036 entitled "Issuance of Bonds and Other Indebtedness - Ordinance Requirements"
2/26/2025 - Referred
Quinn, Marty
Ordinance O2025-0014877 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 8-16 by adding new Section 8-16-064 regarding cannabinoid hemp product offenses involving minors
2/26/2025 - Referred
Burnett, Jr., Walter
Ordinance O2025-0015544 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Section 2-45-040 to remove requirement of economic disclosure statements in connection with right-of-entry agreements, releases of liability or other similar agreements
2/26/2025 - Referred
Johnson, Brandon
Ordinance O2025-0015574 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Titles 2 and 10 to direct Commissioner of Transportation to implement Plow the Sidewalk Pilot Program and to extend end date of program working group to December 31, ...
2/26/2025 - Referred
La Spata, Daniel
Ordinance O2025-0014904 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-4-331 to prohibit sale of cannabinoid hemp products within Pullman-Roseland Area
2/26/2025 - Referred
Beale, Anthony
Ordinance O2025-0015560 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-44 by adding new Section 2-44-160 establishing not-for-profit residential investment corporation to address housing needs by financing, acquiring, owning and ...
2/26/2025 - Referred
Johnson, Brandon
Ordinance O2025-0015721 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Title 4 by modifying Section 4-156-150 to exclude lawfully maintained and operated video gaming terminals from "automatic amusement device" definition
2/26/2025 - Referred
Hopkins, Brian
Ordinance O2025-0015073 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Title 9 to expand definition of hazardous dilapidated motor vehicle to include damaged tires, windows, or openings exposing vehicle to weather
2/19/2025 - Referred
Cardona, Jr., Felix
Ordinance O2025-0015577 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 17-3 by modifying Section 17-10-0102-B to allow minimum off-street automobile parking ratio reduction up to 100 percent for construction of parking structures ...
2/19/2025 - Referred
Vasquez, Jr., Andre
Ordinance O2025-0015565 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Section 2-92-412 to authorize Chief Procurement Officer to allocate percentages of contract base bids as specified for contracts over $100,000
2/19/2025 - Referred
Villegas, Gilbert
Ordinance O2025-0015581 Active
Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-78 by striking disciplinary-related recommendation duties from Civilian Office of Police Accountability
2/19/2025 - Referred
Silverstein, Debra L.
Ordinance SO2024-0010990 Failed
Amendment of Municipal Code Section 9-12-070 establishing maximum speed limit of 25 miles per hour on streets, 15 miles per hour in alleys, and absolute statutory nonurban limit of 55 miles per ...
2/19/2025 - Failed to Pass
La Spata, Daniel