Search Legislation

Claim CL2021-203 Stale

Damage to property claim for Harvey, Gary B.

4/21/2021 - Referred

Claim CL2016-872 Stale

Damage to property claim for Vesprini, Bradley S.

3/16/2016 - Referred

Claim CL2019-15 Stale

Damage to property claim for Stremski, George T.

1/23/2019 - Referred

Claim CL2018-1510 Stale

Damage to property claim for Simberg, Joel B.

10/31/2018 - Referred

Claim CL2015-505 Failed

Damage to property claim for Rodriguez, Oscar

5/20/2015 - Failed to Pass

Claim CL2014-1556 Passed

Damage to property claim for Cuttilla, Rita

12/10/2014 - Passed

Claim CL2013-1123 Passed

Damage to property claim for Thorton, Kevin P.

11/13/2013 - Passed

Claim CL2020-588 Stale

Damage to property claim for Valencia, Juan L.

11/16/2020 - Referred

Claim CL2012-1169 Failed

Damage to property claim for Safeco Ins. and Brown, Delores and Jerry

5/08/2013 - Failed to Pass

Claim CL2017-931 Stale

Damage to property claim for Waters, Alfonso I.

9/06/2017 - Referred

Claim CL2013-1868 Passed

Damage to property claim for Boyle, Joseph P.

3/05/2014 - Passed

Claim CL2015-1295 Failed

Damage to property claim for Foster, Wallace

11/18/2015 - Failed to Pass

Claim CL2016-1084 Stale

Damage to property claim for Johnson, Jeffrey T.

5/18/2016 - Referred

Claim CL2018-128 Stale

Damage to property claim for Ruiz, Lorenzo

2/28/2018 - Referred

Claim CL2018-977 Stale

Damage to property claim for Patterson, Otis C.

6/20/2018 - Referred

Claim CL2018-993 Stale

Damage to property claim for Jemmot, Luke A.

6/27/2018 - Referred

Claim CL2019-1891 Stale

Damage to property claim for Inniss, Russell R.

10/16/2019 - Referred

Claim CL2022-927 Stale

Damage to property claim for Faulkner, Thelma

9/21/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2017-965 Stale

Damage to property claim for Posey, Delores

9/06/2017 - Referred

Claim CL2015-63 Passed

Damage to property claim for Moore, Diane

4/15/2015 - Passed