Search Legislation

Ordinance O2012-1550 Failed

Parking prohibited at 2501-2529 S Sacramento Ave

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2012-2415 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 9115

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2022-3445 Failed

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at W 37th St and S Ashland Ave

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2021-1618 Failed

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 9-12 by adding new Section 9-12-105 regarding offenses related to reckless driving events

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2021-4053 Failed

Traffic direction at 2700-2759 W 38th Pl - westerly

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2013-640 Failed

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 3355 W 38th St

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Resolution R2020-452 Failed

Call for hearing(s) on solutions to combat urban heat island effect, including response programs and ways to reduce energy demands

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2019-5359 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 118166

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Resolution R2021-219 Failed

Honorary street designation as "Eulalia 'Lali' Garcia Way"

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2020-4505 Failed

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-45 by adding new Section 2-45-156 regarding annual reporting on tax increment financing portability

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2015-7848 Failed

Handicapped permit parking at 2655 S Christiana

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2012-4257 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 75236

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Resolution R2021-79 Failed

Call for Municipal Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago, Laborers' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago, Policemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago, ...

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2014-1125 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 72131 - amend

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2019-5353 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 118166

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Order Or2013-110 Failed

Residential permit parking at 2317-2325 W 41st St

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2020-154 Failed

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 11-4 by adding new Article XXIII to prohibit single-use plastic carryout bags and polystyrene containers

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Resolution R2021-1123 Failed

Call for Department of Water Management to establish solutions to flooding and publish report detailing known causes of persistent and repetitive flooding

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2011-688 Failed

Traffic direction at W 45th St from S Western Ave to S Spaulding Ave - One-Way westerly - repeal

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.

Ordinance O2022-150 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 126153

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Cardenas, George A.