Search Legislation

Claim CL2024-0010107 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Mathew, Verghese

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010144 Active

Damage to property claim for Weatherspoon, Henry

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010049 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Padilla, Moises

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010160 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Dombrowski, James

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010109 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Arredondo Molina, Macario

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010123 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Robinson-Boyd, China L.

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010125 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Schmit, Daniel J.

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0009991 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Progressive Ins. and Saklakov, Nikolay

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0009999 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Li, Tie Feng

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010138 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Friedland, David B.

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010124 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Rogers, Milan C.

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010139 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Fallenius, Soren C.

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010119 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Maciel, Antonio

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010053 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Sotos, Vasilios T.

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0009987 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Watts, Helen R.

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010151 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Bertino, Brian D.

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010111 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Pelaez, Antoinette

6/12/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0010134 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Shivers, Michael

6/12/2024 - Referred

Order Or2024-0009953 Approved

Payment of various small claims

6/12/2024 - Passed

Claim CL2024-0010157 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Maxson, Jeffrey L.

6/12/2024 - Referred