Search Legislation

Resolution R2018-681 Failed

Call for Mayor's Office to empanel Chicago Resilient Families Initiative taskforce to study Universal Basic Income and Earned Income Tax Credit Modernization program

5/29/2019 - Failed to Pass

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2018-515 Approved

Recognition of May as Mental Health Awareness Month and support for children's mental health programs and activities

5/25/2018 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2017-922 Approved

Gratitude extended to Reverend Dr. Bonnie A. Perry for contributions to All Saints Episcopal Church

11/08/2017 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2017-394 Failed

Call for U.S. House of Representatives to support resolution authorizing and directing House Committee on Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for impeachment of President ...

5/29/2019 - Failed to Pass

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2017-336 Approved

Congratulations extended to Chi Hack Night on 5th anniversary and 250th hosted event

4/19/2017 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2017-258 Approved

Tribute to late Philip T. Kalayil

3/29/2017 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2017-1096 Failed

Call for investigation of Suburban Express, Inc. for possible violations of Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and other discriminatory practices

5/29/2019 - Failed to Pass

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2016-93 Failed

Call for City Council Office of Financial Analysis to investigate potential revenue sources for providing financial aid to Chicago Public Schools

5/29/2019 - Failed to Pass

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2016-90 Failed

Call for hearing(s) on regulation and prevention of illegal or unsavory actions by towing operators

5/29/2019 - Failed to Pass

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2016-740 Failed

Call for hearing(s) on wage theft allegations at O'Hare and Midway International Airports

5/29/2019 - Failed to Pass

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2016-688 Approved

Recogniton of "Indigenous People Day" in Chicago

9/14/2016 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2016-687 Approved

Tribute to late Sam Bronswick

9/14/2016 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2015-867 Approved

Tribute to late Dorothy DeVerdery Storck

10/28/2015 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2015-822 Approved

Congratulations extended to Laurette Kittler on induction into St. Benedict Alumni Hall of Fame

10/14/2015 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2015-717 Approved

Gratitude extended to United German-American Societies of Greater Chicago for Von Steuben German Day Parade honoring Baron Friedrich Von Steuben

9/24/2015 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2015-716 Approved

Congratulations extended to Midwest Aikido Center on 40th anniversary

9/24/2015 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2015-715 Approved

Commemoration of Thomas E. Allen, former 47th Ward Superintendent

9/24/2015 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2015-436 Approved

Tribute to late Lee Sandlin

5/20/2015 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2015-435 Approved

Tribute to late Garrett FitzGerald

5/20/2015 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya

Resolution R2015-229 Approved

Congratulations extended to Mary Saieva on 100th birthday

3/18/2015 - Adopted

Pawar, Ameya