Search Legislation

Order Or2014-286 Approved

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 9244 S South Chicago Ave

7/30/2014 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-7743 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Georgie's Tavern

10/05/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2015-1472 Passed

Honorary street designation as "Officer John W. Mathews Way"

4/15/2015 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-9836 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 78444

1/18/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2013-6236 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 90337

10/16/2013 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2014-9879 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Ford Motor Co. - stairs with piers

1/21/2015 - Passed

Pope, John

Claim CL2010-510 Stale

Condominium claim for Hegewisch Condo Assn.

12/08/2010 - Referred

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-2344 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 77076

5/04/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2013-187 Approved

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at E 118th St and S Avenue J - Two-Way Stop

10/16/2013 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2015-3803 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 92997

6/17/2015 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2011-812 Approved

Waiver of special event license and/or permit fee(s) for Festival Guadalupe

9/08/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2010-7198 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for McDonald's Restaurant - sign

1/13/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2015-170 Approved

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 3016 E 92nd St - remove

5/18/2016 - Passed

Pope, John

Resolution R2014-156 Approved

Congratulations extended to James and Lu Betkowski and Elmwood Chapel Funeral Home on 25th anniversary

3/05/2014 - Adopted

Pope, John

Order Or2015-172 Failed

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 10411 S Ewing Ave

1/25/2017 - Failed to Pass

Pope, John

Ordinance O2010-6587 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 14264 - remove

12/08/2010 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-2346 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 68046

5/04/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-3301 Failed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. George Church/School - Account No. 438536

5/18/2011 - Failed to Pass

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-5888 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 70896

7/28/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-4794 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for Sacred Heart Croatian School - Account No. 438540

9/08/2011 - Passed

Pope, John