Search Legislation

Order Or2011-435 Approved

Payment of various small claims

4/13/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-437 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of police officers and firefighters - Third Party Orders - each amount not to exceed $1,000

4/13/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Claim CL2011-1223 Failed

Various small claims

4/13/2011 - Failed to Pass

Claim CL2011-1447 Failed

Various small claims

5/04/2011 - Failed to Pass

Order Or2011-532 Approved

Payment of various small claims

5/04/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-520 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Third Party Orders - all amounts

5/04/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-521 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Regular Orders - each amount not to exceed $1,000

5/04/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-519 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Regular Orders - all amounts

5/04/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-522 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Third Party Orders - each amount not to exceed $1,000

5/04/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-651 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Third Party Orders - all amounts

6/08/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-649 Approved

Payment of various small claims

6/08/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-650 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Regular Orders - each amount not to exceed $1,000

6/08/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-570 Approved

Payment of condominium refuse rebate claims

6/08/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-652 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Third Party Orders - each amount not to exceed $1,000

6/08/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-653 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Regular Orders - all amounts

6/08/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Claim CL2011-1765 Failed

Various small claims

6/08/2011 - Failed to Pass

Order Or2011-739 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Third Party Orders - all amounts

7/06/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Claim CL2011-2218 Failed

Various small claims

7/06/2011 - Failed to Pass

Order Or2011-741 Approved

Payment of condominium refuse rebate claims

7/06/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Order Or2011-738 Approved

Payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Firefighters - Third Party Orders - each amount not to exceed $1,000

7/06/2011 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.