Search Legislation

Ordinance O2011-2975 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Newsome, Shirley

Claim CL2011-1090 Passed

Condominium claims for 1047-1059 Hyde Park Condo Assn. and sundry others

6/25/2014 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-784 Passed

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at S Ellis Ave south of E 43rd St

7/28/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-853 Failed

Vehicle weight limitation at S Kenwood Ave and E 53rd St - 5 tons - amend

7/06/2011 - Failed to Pass

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-3837 Passed

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 5419 S Harper Ave

7/06/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4046 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 526 E 43rd St - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4042 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 5031 S Cottage Grove Ave - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4058 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 620 E 47th St - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-3657 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-60-023 (2.11) to allow additional package goods licenses on portion(s) of S Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4093 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for "Another" Barber Shop - sign

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-3830 Passed

Canopy(s) for University of Chicago, The (File No 38)

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4049 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 516 E 43rd St - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4017 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 4238 S Cottage Grove Ave - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4072 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 1060 E 47th St - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-3909 Passed

Sidewalk cafe(s) for Regents Cup Coffee House

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4055 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 1007 E 43rd St - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4076 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communties Development Corporation NFP - 1300 E 47th St - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4061 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 635 E 47th St - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4092 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for McDonald's - sign

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley

Ordinance O2011-4040 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Quad Communities Development Corporation NFP - 4930 S Cottage Grove Ave - planter

6/08/2011 - Passed

Newsome, Shirley