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Ordinance O2024-0011203 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 9-48-045 restricting operation of pedicabs in area bounded by W Roosevelt Rd, S Indiana Ave, East 21st St, and S Columbus Dr

9/18/2024 - Introduced

Dowell, Pat

Ordinance O2024-0012323 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-280-130 requiring that franchise fees collected be deposited into City's Corporate Fund

9/18/2024 - Introduced

Villegas, Gilbert

Ordinance O2024-0012277 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 4-227 by modifying various sections and adding new Sections 4-227-075 and 4-227-150 regarding vehicular towing fees, penalties, obligations and authority

9/18/2024 - Introduced

Villegas, Gilbert

Ordinance O2024-0011299 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 9-64-170 allowing commercial pickup trucks or vans weighing less than 8,000 pounds to park on both sides of 4200 block of N Monticello Ave

9/18/2024 - Introduced

Rodriguez Sanchez, Rossana

Ordinance O2024-0011209 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 17-6-0400 prohibiting eating and drinking establishments in Planned Manufacturing District 2 from being larger than 8,000 sq. ft. unless otherwise approved up ...

9/18/2024 - Introduced

Burnett, Jr., Walter

Ordinance SO2024-0010161 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-156 by modifying Section 2-156-160 concerning financial disclosure requirements for City officials, candidates and employees involving entities which ...

9/16/2024 - Substituted

Martin, Matthew J.

Ordinance O2024-0010990 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 9-12-070 establishing maximum speed limit of 25 miles per hour on streets, 15 miles per hour in alleys, and absolute statutory nonurban limit of 55 miles per ...

9/16/2024 - Recommended for Re-Referral

La Spata, Daniel

Ordinance O2024-0010958 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-44 providing loan restructuring authority to Commissioner of Housing

9/11/2024 - Recommended to Pass

Johnson, Brandon

Ordinance SO2024-0010957 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-45 regarding favorable tax incentives and requirements for City Counsel approval and annual reporting, now including Class 7d

9/11/2024 - Recommended to Pass

Johnson, Brandon

Ordinance SO2024-0008866 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-31 by inserting new Section 2-31-045 establishing Chicago Shoreline Advisory Board to develop and update shoreline management plan

9/10/2024 - Recommended to Pass

Hadden, Maria E.

Ordinance SO2024-0010913 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 10-20-155 requiring City coordination on pavement restoration work impacting 60 percent or more of sidewalk on impacted side of block

9/04/2024 - Recommended to Pass

Villegas, Gilbert

Ordinance SO2024-0010158 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 16-18, adjusting Open Space Impact Fees, charges and credits

9/04/2024 - Recommended to Pass

La Spata, Daniel

Ordinance O2024-0010097 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 16-14 regarding neighborhood opportunity funds

7/30/2024 - Signed

Johnson, Brandon

Ordinance O2024-0010931 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 2-92-010 regarding Chief Procurement Officer's powers, functions, duties and obligations pursuant to Municipal Purchasing Act

7/17/2024 - Signed

Ervin, Jason C.

Ordinance SO2024-0007841 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 7-28-710 by prohibiting accumulation or dumping of garbage, food trash, foodstuffs, vegetation, dead animals or waste of any kind in any building, land, or ...

7/17/2024 - Passed

Napolitano, Anthony V.

Ordinance SO2024-0009634 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 9-108-010 and 9-108-020 to include metered parking violations for the automated parking enforcement system pilot program

7/17/2024 - Passed

Reilly, Brendan

Ordinance O2024-0011019 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code by modifying Section 8-4-083 prohibiting material on private or personal property that causes intimidation or threats of physical injury against a person or group

7/17/2024 - Referred

Knudsen, Timothy R.

Ordinance O2024-0011016 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 16-14 regarding Neighborhood Opportunity Fund Program

7/17/2024 - Referred

Johnson, Brandon

Ordinance O2024-0010982 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 17-14-0301-A allowing designation of alternate member to Zoning Board of Appeals in event of vacancy

7/17/2024 - Referred

Knudsen, Timothy R.

Ordinance SO2024-0009633 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 10-8-332 requiring evaluation that athletic events not present unreasonable risk to health of participants, bystanders or City personnel prior to issuance of ...

7/17/2024 - Passed

Reilly, Brendan