Search Legislation

Claim CL2015-287 Stale

Condominium claim for Hegewisch Condo Assn.

1/21/2015 - Referred

Pope, John

Ordinance O2012-5042 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 9-64-170 by modifying parking restrictions for special types of vehicles within 10th Ward

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2015-2708 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 94810

5/06/2015 - Failed to Pass

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-3298 Failed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. George Rectory - Account No. 438535

5/18/2011 - Failed to Pass

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-2343 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 77127

5/04/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-6736 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Claretian Associates, Inc. - bay window

9/08/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-4716 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Columba Church - Account No. 438589

9/08/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2015-2704 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 90337 - remove

5/06/2015 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2010-7182 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 10429 - amend

2/09/2011 - Failed to Pass

Pope, John

Ordinance O2014-7065 Passed

Awning(s) for Birrieria Ocotlan - Permit No. 1114592

10/08/2014 - Passed

Pope, John

Resolution R2014-225 Approved

Tribute to late Benjamin Roettgen

4/02/2014 - Adopted

Pope, John

Order Or2010-1264 Approved

Cancellation of public way use permit fee(s) for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Account No. 350628-1 - conduit

12/08/2010 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2011-3281 Failed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for Sacred Heart Croatian School - Account No. 438501

5/18/2011 - Failed to Pass

Pope, John

Ordinance O2013-3446 Passed

Zoning Reclassification Map No. 22-A at 3435-3829 E 87th St

6/26/2013 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2012-4147 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 78432

6/27/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2014-9519 Passed

Awning(s) for Raul Gonzalez

12/10/2014 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2013-9123 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 91587

12/11/2013 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2014-925 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 84842

3/05/2014 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2012-6057 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for BP Pipelines (North America) Inc.

10/03/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Ordinance O2014-4254 Passed

Waiver of fee(s) for Public Building Commission of Chicago and submittal of quarterly reports to Office of Budget and Management summarizing fee waivers for City of Chicago, Chicago Public ...

6/25/2014 - Passed

Pope, John