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Resolution R2018-83 Approved

Tribute to late Norman Gold

1/17/2018 - Adopted

Burke, Edward M.

Resolution R2013-251 Approved

Tribute to late Sister M. Josephine Janicki

2/13/2013 - Adopted

Laurino, Margaret

Resolution R2017-461 Approved

Tribute to late Ronald Sid Bridgemon, Sr.

6/28/2017 - Adopted

Mitchell, Gregory I.

Resolution R2021-554 Approved

Tribute to late Marcos Muñoz

5/26/2021 - Adopted

Rodriguez, Michael D.

Resolution R2022-558 Approved

Recognition of Strides for Peace Race Against Gun Violence

5/23/2022 - Adopted

Reboyras, Ariel

Resolution R2014-500 Approved

Congratulations extended to Olga Catelani Suareo on 100th birthday

6/25/2014 - Adopted

Sposato, Nicholas

Resolution R2020-281 Approved

Tribute to late Gene Rihani

4/24/2020 - Adopted

Thompson, Patrick D.

Resolution R2014-70 Approved

Congratulations extended to Joseph Thomas and Three Brothers Auto Repair on outstanding success and community involvement

2/05/2014 - Adopted

Arena, John

Resolution R2019-166 Approved

Congratulations extended to Leslie and Rosalie Anixter Center on 100th anniversary

3/13/2019 - Adopted

Hopkins, Brian

Resolution R2022-502 Approved

Congratulations extended to Sergeant Shawn A. Rellinger on retirement from Chicago Police Department

4/27/2022 - Adopted

O'Shea, Matthew J.

Resolution R2017-282 Approved

Tribute to late Stacey Evan Wilson Davis

4/19/2017 - Adopted

Mitts, Emma

Resolution R2011-89 Approved

Recognition extended to Kathy McMahon for courageous actions

1/13/2011 - Adopted

Burke, Edward M.

Resolution R2016-958 Approved

Congratulations extended to Elizabeth Mitchell on 100th birthday

12/14/2016 - Adopted

Harris, Michelle A.

Resolution R2010-1437 Approved

Congratulations extended to Police Officer Roman LaCoste on retirement

12/08/2010 - Adopted

Rugai, Virginia

Resolution R2020-491 Approved

Congratulations extended to Cynthia F. Acox-Webb on 70th birthday

7/22/2020 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2012-720 Approved

Tribute to late James M. Killeen

7/25/2012 - Adopted

Quinn, Marty

Resolution R2012-1130 Approved

Tribute to late Matthew E. Sobczak

12/12/2012 - Adopted

Quinn, Marty

Resolution R2013-482 Approved

Welcome extended to David McCullough on visit to Chicago

5/08/2013 - Adopted

Burke, Edward M.

Resolution R2011-1086 Approved

Tribute to late Augustus Vicari

9/08/2011 - Adopted

Burke, Edward M.

Resolution R2012-219 Approved

Declaration of March 4, 2012 as "Polar Plunge Day" in Chicago

2/15/2012 - Adopted

Burke, Edward M.