Search Legislation

Ordinance O2023-1178 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 120632 - remove

4/19/2023 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Resolution R2022-849 Approved

Tribute to late Mary J. Gutierrez

9/21/2022 - Adopted

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2023-2255 Stale

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 132213

6/21/2023 - Referred

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2023-1491 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 131816

5/24/2023 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Resolution R2022-854 Approved

Tribute to late Cheung L. Ng

9/21/2022 - Adopted

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2022-3057 Passed

Exemption from physical barrier requirement for commercial driveway alley access for 473 W 26th St

11/16/2022 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2023-1497 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 126649 - remove

5/24/2023 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2022-1129 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 128087

5/23/2022 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Resolution R2022-721 Approved

Tribute to late Mary Terese Vujic

7/20/2022 - Adopted

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2022-3036 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 130129

11/16/2022 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2022-2714 Stale

Honorary street designation as "Honorary Mike 'The Hot Dog Man' and Sylvia 'Toy' Knabjian Way"

9/21/2022 - Referred

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2022-2716 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 92809 - remove

10/26/2022 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2023-729 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 129580

3/15/2023 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Order Or2022-363 Approved

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 810 W 31st St

1/18/2023 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Order Or2023-0002006 Approved

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 3659 S Ashland Ave - Permit No. 101011962

6/21/2023 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Resolution R2022-1021 Approved

Tribute to late Tomica Marusic

10/26/2022 - Adopted

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2023-2015 Stale

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 131883

5/24/2023 - Referred

Lee, Nicole T.

Resolution R2022-711 Approved

Tribute to late RuthAnn L. Botica

7/20/2022 - Adopted

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2022-3626 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 130173

1/18/2023 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.

Ordinance O2022-1523 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 126580

6/22/2022 - Passed

Lee, Nicole T.