Search Legislation

Ordinance O2021-5854 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 101162 - remove

2/23/2022 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2023-0002942 Stale

Call on U.S. President Biden and U.S. Department of Homeland Security to designate, re-designate or extend designation of various countries for Temporary Protected Status and expand eligibility ...

7/19/2023 - Referred

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2020-464 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Joyful Dental Care

2/19/2020 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2022-1883 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 129639

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2022-2219 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 128861

10/26/2022 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2021-286 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Apex Construction Group, Inc.

2/26/2021 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2019-5296 Failed

Senior citizen sewer refund(s)

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2021-2869 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 4-8 by modifying Section 4-8-010 and adding new Section 4-8-065 regarding requirements for single-use foodware

9/14/2021 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2021-90 Approved

Tribute to late Rose A. Mayerbock

2/26/2021 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2020-6150 Passed

Exemption from physical barrier requirement for commercial driveway alley access for Lichter Realty, Inc.

1/27/2021 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2020-3613 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Hollywood-North Park Community Assn.

9/09/2020 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Order Or2019-206 Approved

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 4659 W Foster Ave - Pemit No. 100814518

7/24/2019 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2023-0002642 Stale

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 129523

7/19/2023 - Substituted-Aggregated

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2021-1557 Stale

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 126488

5/26/2021 - Recommended to Pass

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2021-3495 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 124599

9/14/2021 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2021-3956 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 90854

10/14/2021 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2020-4072 Passed

Grant(s) of privilege in public way for State Farm

9/09/2020 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2021-5744 Failed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 119900 - remove

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2020-17 Approved

Congratulations extended to Police Sergeant James S. Vizzini as honoree of 18th Annual Salute to American Heroes

1/15/2020 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Ordinance O2020-6155 Passed

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 124617

1/27/2021 - Passed

Nugent, Samantha