Search Legislation

Ordinance O2013-836 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-244-140 to prohibit peddling on portion(s) of N Central Ave

3/13/2013 - Passed as Substitute

Reboyras, Ariel

Ordinance O2013-4212 Failed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-244-140 to prohibit peddling on portion(s) of W Madison St

5/20/2015 - Failed to Pass

Ervin, Jason C.

Ordinance O2011-7271 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-244-140(b) to further restrict peddling on certain portion(s) of public way within 42nd Ward

10/05/2011 - Passed as Substitute

Reilly, Brendan

Ordinance O2016-6463 Passed

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-244-140 to prohibit peddling in certain areas of 14th Ward

10/05/2016 - Passed

Burke, Edward M.

Ordinance O2024-0008773 Active

Amendment of Municipal Code Section 4-244-140 to prohibit peddling in 23rd Ward

4/19/2024 - Referred

Tabares, Silvana