Search Legislation

Order Or2011-803 Approved

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at S Avenue J and E 98th St - All-Way Stop

10/05/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2011-804 Approved

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 10540-10544 S Ewing Ave

2/15/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2011-812 Approved

Waiver of special event license and/or permit fee(s) for Festival Guadalupe

9/08/2011 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2011-916 Approved

Parking prohibited at S Baltimore Ave, 9300 block

4/18/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-105 Approved

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at E 106th St and S Avenue M - Four-Way Stop

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-122 Failed

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at E 123rd St and S Carondolet Ave - Two-Way Stop

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Pope, John

Order Or2012-125 Approved

Residential permit parking at 3655-3651 E 104th St

3/14/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-151 Approved

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 8912 S Commercial Ave

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-152 Approved

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at E 115th St and S Avenue H - Four-Way Stop

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-153 Approved

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at E 117th St and Avenue H - Two-Way Stop

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-211 Approved

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 10634 S Avenue O

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-212 Approved

Parking limited at 3100 E 92nd St - two hours

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-288 Approved

Parking prohibited at 9135 S Brandon Ave

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-289 Approved

Parking prohibited at 3020 E 87th St

9/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-502 Approved

Traffic direction at 13300-13399 S Green Bay St - Two-Way - amend

5/08/2013 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-647 Approved

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 12900 S Doty Ave

12/12/2012 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-650 Approved

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at S Baltimore Ave and E 92nd St - amend

9/11/2013 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-689 Approved

Parking limited at 13437 S Baltimore Ave - one hour - remove

3/13/2013 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2012-690 Approved

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at S Ewing Ave from E 118th St to E 123rd St

6/26/2013 - Passed

Pope, John

Order Or2013-178 Approved

Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 4047 E 106th St

5/08/2013 - Passed

Pope, John