Search Legislation

Ordinance O2018-7955 Passed

CDBG Year XLV Ordinance, as amended

12/10/2018 - Signed

Emanuel, Rahm

Ordinance O2018-8066 Passed

CDBG Year XLIV Ordinance amendment for Department of Public Health

11/07/2018 - Passed

Emanuel, Rahm

Ordinance O2018-8872 Passed

CDBG Year XLV Ordinance - Corrections and Revisions

11/14/2018 - Passed

Ordinance O2019-6930 Passed

CDBG Year XLV Ordinance amendment for Department of Housing and Department of Family and Support Services

10/16/2019 - Passed as Substitute

Lightfoot, Lori E.