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Resolution R2024-0008679 Approved

Congratulations extended to Dimas Garcia on 65th birthday

4/17/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008678 Approved

Congratulations extended to Susan Brown on 65th birthday

4/17/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008525 Failed

Amendment of 2023-2027 Rules of Order and Procedure by removal of Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez as Chair of Committee on Housing and Real Estate

4/01/2024 - Failed to Pass

Sposato, Nicholas

Resolution R2024-0008146 Approved

Congratulations extended to James Cousins on 80th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008145 Approved

Congratulations extended to Benjamin Perez on 75th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008143 Approved

Congratulations extended to Antonio Garcia on 75th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008142 Approved

Congratulations extended to Josefina Marquez on 75th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008141 Approved

Congratulations extended to Alissa Brooks on 75th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008140 Approved

Congratulations extended to Mary Wood on 75th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008138 Approved

Congratulations extended to Geraldine Harvey on 75th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008137 Approved

Congratulations extended to Daniel Bautista on 75th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008136 Approved

Congratulations extended to Gloria Tucker on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008135 Approved

Congratulations extended to Jose Popoca on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008134 Approved

Congratulations extended to Charles Evans on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008133 Approved

Congratulations extended to Gayle Rico on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008132 Approved

Congratulations extended to Carolyn Phillips on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008131 Approved

Congratulations extended to Rafael Delgado on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008130 Approved

Congratulations extended to Rigoberto Villalpando on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008129 Approved

Congratulations extended to Maria Popoca on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.

Resolution R2024-0008128 Approved

Congratulations extended to Yolando Gomez on 70th birthday

3/20/2024 - Adopted

Lopez, Raymond A.