Search Legislation

Resolution R2023-0002942 Stale

Call on U.S. President Biden and U.S. Department of Homeland Security to designate, re-designate or extend designation of various countries for Temporary Protected Status and expand eligibility ...

7/19/2023 - Referred

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-674 Approved

Tribute to late Monica I. Harty

6/22/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-673 Approved

Congratulations extended to Karren Ray on retirement as principal of Northside Learning Center

6/22/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-672 Approved

Congratulations extended to My Sister's Closet on 40th anniversary

6/22/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-671 Approved

Tribute to late Tina M. LaPash

6/22/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-670 Approved

Tribute to late Arthur E. Bairstow

6/22/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-588 Failed

Reaffirmation of commitment to protect reproductive health care rights

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-561 Approved

Congratulations extended to Roger McGill on participation in Honor Flight Program

5/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-560 Approved

Congratulations extended to Commander Maureen Biggane on retirement from Chicago Police Department

5/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-559 Approved

Tribute to late Andrew Noonan

5/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-441 Approved

Tribute to late Helen Marie Ramirez-Odell

4/27/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-331 Failed

Call for Illinois General Assembly to adopt Senate Bill 4205 or House Bill 5744 to combat carjackings

5/24/2023 - Failed to Pass

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-310 Approved

Congratulations extended to Von Steuben High School Robotics Team on competing at Illinois VRC High School State Championship

3/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-309 Approved

Congratulations extended to Queen of All Saints Future City Team Artemis on 3rd place in Illinois Regional Competition

3/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-308 Approved

Congratulations extended to Mayfair Presbyterian Church on 100th anniversary

3/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-307 Approved

Congratulations extended to Dennis Hammer on retirement from Wintrust Bank

3/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-306 Approved

Congratulations extended to Albany Theater Project on 25th anniversary

3/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-305 Approved

Tribute to late Richard V. McDowell

3/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-304 Approved

Tribute to late Sister Barbara McCarry

3/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha

Resolution R2022-303 Approved

Tribute to late Maureen Kuhn

3/23/2022 - Adopted

Nugent, Samantha