Search Legislation

Claim CL2023-0003172 Stale

Damage to property claim for Evans, Anthony S.

9/14/2023 - Referred

Claim CL2023-0003139 Stale

Damage to property claim for Montgomery, Tyrese J.

9/14/2023 - Referred

Claim CL2023-0003134 Stale

Damage to property claim for Renkar, D. Susan

9/14/2023 - Referred

Claim CL2023-0003126 Stale

Damage to property claim for Hoskins, Leslie

9/14/2023 - Referred

Claim CL2023-0003116 Stale

Damage to property claim for Komar, Mark

9/14/2023 - Referred

Claim CL2023-0003034 Stale

Damage to property claim for Morgestern, Rivka R.

7/19/2023 - Referred

Claim CL2023-0002872 Stale

Damage to property claim for Villagomez, Evelyn

7/19/2023 - Referred

Claim CL2023-0001941 Stale

Damage to property claim for Pressel, Lenore M.

6/21/2023 - Referred

Claim CL2023-0001239 Failed

Damage to property claim for Harris, Maggie

7/19/2023 - Failed to Pass

Claim CL2022-971 Stale

Damage to property claim for Pitzaferro, Geraldine B.

10/26/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-965 Stale

Damage to property claim for Fee, Adam C.

9/21/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-964 Stale

Damage to property claim for Guidone, Edward M.

9/21/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-96 Stale

Damage to property claim for Butkovich, Nicholas V.

2/23/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-958 Stale

Damage to property claim for Posner, Charlene H.

9/21/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-957 Stale

Damage to property claim for Posner, Charlene H.

9/21/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-956 Stale

Damage to property claim for Hargraves, Steven R.

9/21/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-95 Stale

Damage to property claim for Jones, Larry T., Sr.

2/23/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-94 Stale

Damage to property claim for Sippel, David L.

2/23/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-936 Stale

Damage to property claim for Belford, Sandra

9/21/2022 - Referred

Claim CL2022-932 Stale

Damage to property claim for Logan-Wright, Linda

9/21/2022 - Referred