Search Legislation

Claim CL2024-0009048 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Marselle, James R.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0009045 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Paz, Cristal A.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0009044 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Zink, Tristan K.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0009036 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Sorensen, Crissy T.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0009035 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Ortega, Alex

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0009032 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Wolz, Michael S.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008821 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Lofton, Lee A.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008819 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Travis, Michigan S.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008817 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Geico Casualty and Lopez, Leslie

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008814 Active

Damage to vehicle claim for Advanced Critical Transport LLC and Thompson, John

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008811 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Dye, Angela

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008808 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Guallpa Guachichullca, Walter C.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008807 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Van Slyke, Claire

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008806 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Ahmed, Imran

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008803 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Pearson, Philip N.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008741 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Huff, Paul J.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008740 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Wagener, Christina, J.

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008739 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Perez-Torres, Michael

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008738 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Khatwani, John

4/17/2024 - Referred

Claim CL2024-0008737 Active

Damage to vehicle - pothole claim for Willhite, Karen L.

4/17/2024 - Referred