Allen, Thomas Former

Allen, Thomas

In office from to ( years)

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Legislation that Allen, Thomas is the primary sponsor of. RSS feed

Order Or2010-1178 Approved

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at W Belle Plane Ave and N Major Ave - Stop

4/13/2011 - Passed
Routine Ward Matters Traffic Traffic signs and signals

Ordinance O2010-6130 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Pascal Convent - Account No. 441192

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

Ordinance O2010-6119 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Bartholomew Church - Account No. 441190

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

Ordinance O2010-6129 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Pascal Parish House - Account No. 428719

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

Ordinance O2010-6124 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Ladislaus School - Account No. 441188

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

Ordinance O2010-6116 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Robert Bellarmine Church - Account No. 441178

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

Ordinance O2010-6123 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Ladislaus Church - Account No. 441182

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

Ordinance O2010-6115 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Robert Bellarmine School/Convent - Account No. 441195

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

Ordinance O2010-6117 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Robert Bellarmine Rectory - Account No. 441173

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

Ordinance O2010-6121 Passed

Cancellation of water/sewer fee(s) for St. Bartholomew Parish Center - Account No. 441175

3/09/2011 - Passed
Non-Routine Ward Matters Churches and Non-Profits Free Water and Sewer for Non Profit Organizations

All legislation sponsored by Allen, Thomas
