Nugent, Samantha Ward 39 Alderman

Nugent, Samantha

In office since May 20, 2019 (5 years)

Contact info


Ward Office Phone
(773) 736-5594

Ward Office Address
4200 West Lawrence Avenue Chicago, IL 60630

City Hall Office Phone
(312) 744-7242/7243/3023

City Hall Office Address
121 North LaSalle Street, Room 300 Chicago, IL 60602


Ward 39 map

Sponsored legislation All

Legislation that Nugent, Samantha is the primary sponsor of. RSS feed

Ordinance O2024-0009972 Passed

Exemption from physical barrier requirement for commercial driveway alley access for Fazal Development Network Inc.

7/19/2024 - Passed
Routine Ward Matters Business Permits and Privileges Physical barrier exemption

Ordinance O2024-0010452 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 55439 - remove

7/17/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0010453 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 131673

7/17/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0010460 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 114802 - remove

7/17/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0010463 Active

Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 4000-4012 W Sunnyside Ave

7/17/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Parking Loading/Standing/Tow Zone

Ordinance O2024-0010477 Active

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at W Thorndale Ave and N Christiana Ave - Stop

7/17/2024 - Held in Committee
Routine Ward Matters Traffic Traffic signs and signals

Ordinance O2024-0010462 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 132009

7/17/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0010567 Active

Traffic sign(s)/signal(s) at N Laporte Ave and W Balmoral Ave - Stop

7/17/2024 - Held in Committee
Routine Ward Matters Traffic Traffic signs and signals

Ordinance O2024-0010461 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 134672

7/17/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

Ordinance O2024-0010455 Active

Handicapped Parking Permit No. 133743

7/10/2024 - Introduced
Routine Ward Matters Residents Handicapped Parking Permit

All legislation sponsored by Nugent, Samantha
